Write a paragraph on My Favourite Hobby

My Favourite Hobby

My Favourite Hobby

Every person has some activities which he enjoys during his leisure time. Many people listen to music, many others do gardening, some play games and do many other things. I have a favourite pastime of my own. I like to watch movies. I specially try to watch English movies. I have watched Harry Potter, Narnia, Thirteen Ghosts, The Conjuring, Rise of the Guardian etc. Some Bangla movies like Emiler Goyenda Bahini, Amar Bondhu Rashed, Deepu Number two, Gohonar baksho etc. are also there in my list of favourite movies. I believe that watching English movies will improve my fluency and accuracy in speaking English. I try to observe how the actors speak, their pronunciation and the words they use in different situations. I believe having a good hobby enriches us.

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