Write an essay on The Next Wave of Social Media

The Next Wave of Social Media

The Next Wave of Social Media

Social media is a rising trend in the world today. Communication skills are exemplified by the use of social media networking. Social media is being utilized by students, parents, businesses, and religious organizations. It is being used in many forms by many different plant forms for different reasons. Its' uses are increasing because users are becoming more interested in social media for various reasons. 

The Positive Sides of Social Media: Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have always encouraged their subscribers to come up with an online persona. They then build a personal network of friends that connects to an open worldwide community. Information is shared freely between the two. Apart from connecting to a network of friends, a subscriber can join community groups with a specific interest. Most of the groups encourage the subscribers to give suggestions on how they should be run and to engage in debates. Other social sites like YouTube give users a platform to upload and share videos. Here, users post videos of themselves for other users to view. YouTube has been a great platform for musicians and film producers as their fans can easily access their music videos. Other social sites like MySpace have also given users the platforms to post videos on their profiles. Such sites enable easy access to a variety of videos like music, sports, documentaries, and movies.

Social media has lessened the use of verbal communication and increased the use of online messaging. People nowadays can have 'phone conversations' over their computers. This has been enabled by the development of social sites such as Skype. Here, people who are connected will communicate by word of mouth. This is unlike Facebook and Twitter where the mode of communication is by writing. Webcams enable 'friends' to have a one-on-one conversation while at the same time watching each other.

Facebook, Twitter, and Skype are popular media platforms millions utilize daily. Its numbers are on the rise day by day. It is extremely rare to come across anyone in today's society who does not have an account on one of these platforms. Social media is not only used by people but by businesses and organizations, as well.

The Negative Sides of Social Media: Social media and social networking seem to play an imperative part in people's lives around the world. There are some who debate whether it is improving or crippling communication skills. Sitting behind a computer and communicating with cyber friends can be easy and fun but can weaken a person's verbal communication skills. Research suggests that young people who spend more than 2 hours per day on social media are more likely to report poor mental health (anxiety and depression). Young generations are out of their outdoor activities as they remain busy with social media. Propagandas and personal information can be spread which sometimes hamper personal lives. Relationships among couples are in the brittle stage as they feel comfortable in their relations outside of married relations. Sometimes on different websites vulgar and naked pictures and videos are posted for humiliating girls or boys. 

The Next Wave of Social Media: The future of social media is becoming vast day by day. It is bearing some negative effects on the people, side by side the concerned people are working day and night to meet the demands of social media. That's why different social media apps become more and more specialized. Facebook has too many features that are not convenient for mobile use; Snapchat's features are far more basic, mobile-friendly, and limited to a specific function: the app is to share nonpermanent images and small bursts of text with a user's friends on the network and nothing else. So in this way, the different apps and functions will make social media easier and more user friendly. Among the apps, the Niche apps are the most suitable which offer basic functions that are more mobile-friendly. In the coming days ahead more apps and more social media-friendly equipment will be added which quell even the quirkiest user desires. Then people will have more convenient opportunities for social media but less negative sides of social media.

To contemplate the future of social media, we have to contemplate the future of technology since so much of social is technology-driven. The future augmented reality technologies will allow us to enter not only new conversations but also new worlds and experiences in ways we really fathom today.
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