Write an essay on The Role of Opposition in a Democracy

The Role of Opposition in a Democracy

The Role of Opposition in a Democracy

Democracy has been aptly termed as a form of governance by the people for the people and of the people by the renowned diplomat and American President, Abraham Lincoln. In a democratic country like Bangladesh there is a parliamentary system of government according to which the party with the highest majority through a general election is entitled to form the government and its leader becomes the Prime Minister of the country. On the other, the second largest party becomes the opposition party and its leader enjoys the status of the leader of the opposition. 

Though the ruling party (the government) during its tenure is free to determine the policies and programs and make decisions for the welfare of the common people, the role of the opposition can not be ignored. The party plays a very significant role in a democracy because the party is the representative of the people to safeguard their interests. From time to time the opposition parties criticise the government in case it fails to keep its promises. Sometimes the opposition party brings out the hidden motives of the government to the general public thus protecting the government from making any anti-people decision and anti-nation decisions. The opposition parties also warn the government if they think it necessary. Sometimes they show their protection against the government. Thus they try to keep the government aware of all the issues that the government is on the right part and it cannot do whatever it likes.

In making laws in our country the opposition plays an important role if the government fails to make the government by two-thirds of the parliament seats. Thus they protect the government from making any anti-people laws and encourage it to make people-oriented laws in our country. The most dominant role of the opposition in a democracy is that of a 'watchdog' of the system. In a country where there is a two-party system, the opposition party forms a 'shadow cabinet' and remains vigilant over the performance of the government. The party also enables men and women of the country to think alike on public questions work together for the welfare of the common people and correct the government.

In a country like Bangladesh, the sad truth is that one party hates another and criticizes its activities. To do this they sometimes take the path of spreading propaganda. So they are not able to achieve the public's trust. As a result, they fail to raise such issues that are more relevant to the cause of the public. They even fail to compel the government to do welfare work. Thus the government easily can overlook them and cancel the facts related to them. Sometimes the party delays the welfare activities of the government.

To sum up, despite having some faults, the opposition fulfills certain necessary functions which are really helpful for the people and the country. To bring hidden and anti-people activities out before the common people and to correct the government, the role of the opposition in a country like Bangladesh can not be ignored.

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