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Green Economy: A Solution for the Future Dhaka

Green Economy: A Solution for the Future Dhaka

Introduction: Green economy is a recent idea of the modern world. A green economy is something that can generate growth and improvement in people's lives in ways consistent with sustainable development. In fact, a green economy reflects an overall development picture of a land or a country. Bangladesh has also been stirred by the induction of a green economy. A green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risk and ecological green economy is an economy or economic development and a knowledge of ecological economics. In the simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as something that is low carbon resource, efficient, and socially inclusive Now Dhaka is facing a lot of problems. So Dhaka needs a green economy to solve all problems.

Green Economy Initiative: With the passage of time, the UNEP led Green Economy in 2008. Green Economy Initiative consists of several components whose integrated overall objective is to provide the analysis and policy support for investing in greener sectors and in greening environmentally unfriendly sectors. Its aims are to provide guidance on policies that can catalyze increased investment in these sectors provide advisory services on ways to move towards a green economy in specific countries and engage a wide range of research, nongovt, organizations, businesses, and UN partners in implementing the Green Economy Initiative.

Green Economy and Right Solution for Troubled Dhaka: The green economy offers a powerful solution to both a warming planet and economic volatility. There are a host of political and economic crises in Bangladesh. Amidst all other problems and uncertainty, global warming continues unabated. Higher temperatures today in Dhaka are largely sustained by increased carbon dioxide due to the excessive use of vehicles and other things. According to Karl Burkart, a green economy is based on six main sectors: Renewable energy, green building, clean transportation, waste management, and land management. Practically speaking a green economy is something whose growth in income and employment is driven by public and private investments reducing carbon emissions, enhancing energy and resource efficiency, and preventing the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The developments created by the green economy maintain and enhance where there are places for sound living. So the government is willing enough to make Dhaka city liveable. Along with the government, some NGOs are working to reduce the problems of Dhaka city to a minimum level.

Conclusion: The success of a green economy mainly depends on the best use of environmental or natural goods and a careful handling of natural resources must guarantee multi-lateral development in a society or a country. A green economy can save people from air pollution leading to respiratory failure and Dhaka city can have an atmosphere with renewable energy, green buildings (green products, etc), clean transportation (alternative for public transport, hybrid vehicles, etc) proper waste management system, and land management. So we are quite hopeful to have a city with a green economy where people will like to live peacefully.

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