Write a composition on Terrorism in Educational Institutions

Terrorism in Educational Institutions

Terrorism in Educational Institutions

Terrorism in educational institution in our country has become very rampant at present. It creates a dreadful situation for us. The educational institutions are like the flower gardens. Our future generation springs from here. But it is a matter of regret that our educational institutions have been highly threatened by this terrorism.

Terrorism means the way to get desired results through the use of threat or violence. It is intended to create fear and panic among the public to achieve the objectives. In fact, any kind of criminal acts may be termed as terrorism.

At present terrorism has spread in our educational institutions like the webs of spiders. There prevails violence and terror in every institution. The ordinary students are terrified at the sparks of the arms and weapons. Anyone can think that the students are learning how to use the arms and the institutions are the industries of the arms. This terrorism has also terrified the teachers who fear to move freely on the campus. Thus the terrorism in educational institutions is spoiling the smooth atmosphere of education.

Our educational institutions have become a mini cantonment. The residential halls are the ammunition stores of the terrorists. Numerous types of arms are used here. The terrorists get these from different sources. Sometimes, the students themselves prepare these arms. The arms used in educational institutions are pistol, revolver, gun, axe, razor, cocktail, etc. It seems that our students are learning the use of arms and their preservation.

Our students had a glorious past. They contributed a lot for the sake of our country and its people. Now-a-days our students are derailed. They cannot go to the direct tract. They are involved in anti-social and terrorist activities. The students are being used by our politicians to implement their obnoxious aims. They are giving them serious arms. Not only that, long pressed disappointments, frustrations, deprivation, etc. are causes of terrorism in our institutions. Again, the lapse of moral principles and justice, political unrest, lack of proper guidance and aimless life also accelerate to spread terrorism. Our faulty educational curriculum and policy also help to create terrorism on our campuses. Terrorism in educational institutions has dire consequences. It is greatly hampering the academic atmosphere of our institutions. The institutions are closed sine die. The exams cannot be held. As a result, session jam is created. The guardians have to pay a lot of money for their children's education. The nation also fails to get the service of brilliant sons. The terrorism in educational institutions often snatches away the lives of students. The students return to their mothers laps dead. Because of the wide spread terrorism in our institutions, our universities are losing the students. The students are going abroad for higher education. Thus terrorism affects tremendously in our institutions.

The terrorism in our educational institutions has increased without reins. But it must be stopped immediately for the nation's sake.
  • For these we have to ensure-
  • Regular study in institutions.
  • Fulfillment of our students desire about educational needs.
  • Expulsion of outsiders from campuses.
  • Good communication and exchange of views among the students.
  • Curriculum and policy should be revised and innovative.
  • Free and fair educational administration.
  • Consensus of political parties and their co-operation in removing this.
  • Sufficient security and vigilance of our police forces keeping impartiality.
Terrorism is heinous. It is destructive. No sane man wants it. It must be removed from our educational institutions. We have to ensure a fresh and peaceful atmosphere for the institution. The students should be purged off. They should work for their own betterment. They should engage themselves in study not in arms.
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