Write a composition on Student politics in Bangladesh

Student politics in Bangladesh

Student politics in Bangladesh
Or, Students and Politics

Students are the future of a nation. They are the future leaders and guides of the country. They should be prepared well for the leadership of a country. They must acquire knowledge and skill in politics. But they must be cautious about the fact that they will not neglect their main duties. Their politics should be constructive and progressive.

There is a long debatable question whether our students should practice politics or not. The learned people of our country differ in this case. Some of them are in favour of this; whereas others are dead against this. The main duty of the students is to read and learn. The aim of the students is to prepare them fit for encountering the struggles of life. Definitely the students will shoulder the responsibilities of the country. In this case, they should practice politics. But if this politics grasps our students and if they are diverted from their main duty, it will be difficult for take strong preparation for future.

Our country has a long glorious student politics. Our students contributed a lot in our past days. Either in any natural disaster or national politics, our students showed their ardency and service to the nations. During our mother language movement, our brave students sacrificed a lot. They protested the injustice of our colonial rulers. Even during our liberation period, our students were directly involved in politics. They contributed a lot to bring our independence. In recent past, during the revolution in 90s, our student leaders played a vital role. Thus we can see that our student politics was very glorious in the past.

At present our student politics is going through extreme crisis. It has lost its glorious past. It has become a specter of the past. Now students are not getting the praise and honour of our people. They have become the panic to everyone. Our people now fight shy of our student leaders. Now-a-days, our student leaders have forgotten their moral identities. They have become obsessed with gaining their own. They have forgotten that they will lead the nation. They now only think about their own interest. In fact, our student politics has lost its previous essence. Our student leaders have become derailed now. They are not controlled by their conscience and principles. They are controlled by our national political leaders. They have become the puppets of the leaders. Our student politics has been totally corrupted and perverted now. And the student leaders become the main instrument of the nation a politics. The students do not study now. They are involved in obnoxious politics.

Now-a-days, our educational institutions have become mini cantonments. The student leaders have become the perpetrators of terrorism. The student councils in our institutions have become the parliament to carry out the illegal actions. All the institutions are infected with these terrorist activities. The students have become money-minded and greedy. They want to get financial gain. The normal progress of our institutions is being affected because of our students' illegal activities.

At present our students remain aloof from their studies. They do not feel urge to study. They remain busy in the evil activities. But they should be directed to the path of goodness. Our student leaders should think for the country and the country men.

Our student politics at present has become corrupted. Everyone is concerned about this. The teachers also are afraid of the students. But our students had glorious performance in politics. We should do our best to return our former glory in student politics.
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