Write a composition on Compulsory Primary Education

Compulsory Primary Education

Compulsory Primary Education

Education means the harmonious development of all the faculties of man. It is essential for all kinds of development. If the majority of the people are illiterate, the total prosperity of the country is not possible. For this our government has declared primary education compulsory. Literacy rate in Bangladesh is 60% at present. The number of able primary school goers is above two crores. Among them one-third cannot get the opportunity to go to primary schools. 60% of our students drop out before completing primary education. So the number of our literacy rate is not increasing.

Illiteracy is a curse. It hampers all the development activities. An illiterate man is compared to a beast. There is no difference between a blind and an illiterate man. An illiterate man does not know how to lead happy, healthy and prosperous life. Thus illiteracy is a great problem. If we cannot solve this problem, our nation will face a great destruction. It is a matter of prestige that the people of an independent country are illiterate. So, all round efforts should be made to implement compulsory primary education programme. This programme is in use in almost all the countries of the world.
The necessity of primary education in our country is immense. It will encourage our people to read, write and do arithmetic. This education will imbibe them about the rules of health, sanitation and standard living. They will be able to get the light of education if compulsory primary education programme can be implemented. In that case the institutionalization of democracy, poverty reduction and happy life can be ensured in our country. Again, primary education will nourish the children's physical, mental, moral, personal and social development. In order to make this education compulsory, we have to take some authentic programmes. Firstly, we have to establish necessary educational institutions. Secondly, the employment of suitable number of teachers will be ensured. Thirdly, necessary educational materials and equipments should be supplied to these institutions. Fourthly, the citizens must be motivated by means of massive announcements. Fifthly, the remuneration and salary of the persons related to this education should be increased. Above, the concerted effort of both government and non-government organizations will make this programme successful.

There are some visible obstacles on the way to primary education in our country. To remove illiteracy from a populous country like Bangladesh is really a difficult and hard task. If the monetary allotment fails in this case, all our efforts will be futile. Poverty, traditional education, child labour, social and religious prejudices may stand on the way to this campaign. These obstacles must be wiped out if we want to turn our people into skilled man power. Education is of vital importance for all-round prosperity of a country. The children are the emblem of hopes and aspirations. Education is essential for the flourish of the children's physical, mental and moral states. Primary education gives them this opportunity. Thus the primary education must be made free and compulsory for all. The government will enact laws in this case. This compulsory Primary Education programme will be made easy through all round efforts."
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