Write a composition on Female education in Bangladesh

Women empowerment in Bangladesh

Female education in Bangladesh

Female education is the crying need. There can be no valid argument for keeping the females uneducated. To acme of perfection, both male and female education must be ensured. Now- get the a-days all thinking people are of the view that female education is essential for the over-all progress. Man is the best creation of the Almighty. Here 'man' means both male and female. Our creator has endowed human beings with rationality and sanity. To develop and flourish these rare phenomena, both the male and the female must be educated. Education ennobles our mind and develops our sensibility. And our female section must have the right to educate themselves for the upliftment of their faculties.

Education means the mental and intellectual right. Everyone has the right to get education. It refines and enlightens human beings. Every great person of the world has put higher importance on education. Without education, man is like a beast. Ignorance is a great evil. It disparages a man. Education leads a man to a higher state. God himself has made education compulsory for every human being. Thus education should be universal. It is an abominable act to make education available for a section. Thus our women folk must be given equal opportunity to peruse education like man.

It is inevitable that keeping female section uneducated, no nation can stand upright. There are some people who argue against female education. They argue if they are educated they will overlook their duties. They will involve them in reading. As a result, the domestic chores will be ignored by them. Secondly, they argue female education means a waste of time, money and energy. Thirdly, if the females are educated, they will demean their ordained duty of rearing children and caring husbands. However, it can definitely be said that these are baseless arguments and we have to shake off these lame excuses.

Female education has manifold blessings. It will be a source of our energy and potentialities. As females are the half of our share, their education means a great wealth for us. Because, an educated woman is an educated mother. She can easily rear children. She can provide better care and nutrition for her husband and other inmates of the house. Secondly, an educated mother is an earner. She can boost up the economy of a family. Thirdly, an educated woman can easily decide about the good prospects of a family. Fourthly, an educated mother can educate her children well. They can give an educated nation. Fifthly, an educated woman can be a proper citizen. She can take the responsibility for the betterment of a nation. Now-a- days, we see that educated women are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, social workers etc. In fact, the benefits of female education are immense. An ignorant mother is a burden to both her husband and family. So women should be given proper education.

As a civilized nation, we must ensure female education. We should shun our prejudices against female education. Religious restrictions should not be imposed here. We should set up sufficient institutions for educating our girls. We have to create opportunities for them. We must stop early marriage. Realizing the importance of female education, our government has taken female stipend programme and free education for the women.

Female education is vitally important for establishing a civilized nation. They should not be deprived of it. All steps should be taken to ensure education for females. If females are educated, we will be able to raise our head in a dignified way among the developed nations. 

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